Yes. We can migrate all your existing websites free of charge from your current hosting provider...
Currency Exchanger FAQWe recently switched our base currency on the website to US Dollars (USD) and made all other...
Do you accept cash payments at your office?NO! We do not accept cash payments in our office. All payments should be made at the bank into...
Do you allow adult, warez or other illicit sites or content?Adult content, warez or any form of unethical content is NOT allowed on our servers. Please see...
Do you host domain extensions you don't sell?Yes, we host all domain extensions even for those we do not sell. All you have to do is select "I...
Do you offer a money-back guarantee?Yes. All shared hosting plans are backed by 30-day money back guarantee. If for any reason you...
Do you support PHP and MySQL?Yes. We support the latest releases of PHP and MySQL. We also keep updates of the applications on...
Google Workspace vs OpenXchange CloudWe offer two premium email solutions, Google Workspace and OpenX. We aim to provide a solution...
How do I get started on GigaLayer?On the GigaLayer homepage @, search for the domain name you want to register....
How do I pay?We accept cash deposits into our bank account which will be provided to you after you make an...
How is your customer support service?Our customer support operates 24hrs 7days and 365days a year via phone and email. Our response...
How long does it take to get my website online?New account activation is completed within 24 hours after your payment has been verified. This...
Is GigaLayer a reseller?No. We have owned and operated our own servers from day one.
Where are your servers located?Our main server is located in Texas, USA. We also host on virtual cloud servers across Asia,...
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