 406 Not Acceptable Error

A 406 Not Acceptable Error is indicating that the script you are trying to run is triggering...

 Configuring WHM for the first time.

To begin, please log in to WHM using your root login details for the first time as provided to...

 G1 Database Backup Walkthrough

Backing up your MySQL database is now easy, reliable, and secure with G1 Backup!  Step 1: Find...

 How to Assign/Unassign a MySQL User to a Database

Assign User Privileges to a Database Log into cPanel   Under Databases, click MySQL...

 How to Backup Entire Site in cPanel

You can backup your entire site including databases, e-mails, settings etc using the cPanel...

 How to backup my files in cPanel using G1 BACKUP

Required Information To back up your website, you are going to need the following information:...

 How to Backup MySQL Database in cPanel

You can backup any database on your account using the cPanel backup feature Log into cPanel...

 How to Change cPanel Password in the Core

Often, you may want to change your cPanel password. You can do this from your core panel. To...

 How to Change your cPanel Password in cPanel

Often you may want to change your cPanel password for one or more reasons. It is always...

 How to Create a MySQL Database

Log in to cPanel   Under the Databases tab, click MySQL Databases In the New...

 How to Create a Subdomain

Log in to your cPanel Navigate to Subdomains under the Domains tab Enter the...

 How to Create/Delete MySQL Database User

To Create a Database User Log into cPanel   Under Databases, click MySQL Databases...

 How to Create/Remove an Addon Domain

With Addon Domains, it becomes possible for you to host multiple domain names with different...

 How to Disable APC Cache via .htaccess

You can disable APC Caching for your domain via .htaccess with the following steps: Login to...

 How to Enable Hotlink Protection

To enable/disable hot link protection, follow these simple steps: Log in to cPanel...

 How to Export a MySQL Database

Log in to cPanel   Click phpMyAdmin under the Databases tab On the left...

 How to Import MySQL Database

 Log in to cPanel Under the category "Databases", click on phpMyAdmin On the...

 How to Install Wordpress Using Softaculous

Installaing WordPress is very easy. Follow these guide to setup a new wordpress on your website:...

 How to Run Python Scripts on GigaLayer

All our shared servers are deployed with support for python scripts. However, you need to do a...

 How to Upload Website Files using cPanel

Log into cPanel Navigate to File Manager under the Files tab In the window that...

 Terminated Service

Renewal and Service Maintenance: Our services are subscribed, requiring renewal before the...

 Windows Server - First Login Errors

If you get the following error message the first time you access Windows after installation, your...